Half Term Information Summer 1 2024

This half term has been and fun and exciting journey from start to finish for Reception children. Our topic 'A Ticket to Ride' has seen the children:-
-Recalling important journeys that we have been on with our families. 
-Comparing which transport we use to get to school each day.
-Being traffic watchers- observing the traffic which passes past our school gates. 
-Finding out about different vehicles, voting for our favourites and recreating them using recycled materials.
-Learning about floating and sinking through making and testing our own mini boats.
-Using the app Google Earth to locate our homes and other important places in Cambourne.
There has been a number of enrichment days across the half term too. 
Firsts and highlights include:
A trip to the local park 
A visit from Little City
Wellbeing Wednesday workshops
A singing production for parents and carers 

Useful websites to continue learning at home:


https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/ (username: lj2478     password: home)


