Half term information Summer 1 2024

We read the excellent and very thought provoking text Wonder in English this half term.  The children took time to consider what beauty means and reflected on how this is seen within society. We role-played different scenarios between characters included in a school tour and wrote a heated dialogue and character description.
This term, we have been practising our athletics skills in PE to help prepare the children for sports day. The children worked on a variety of running, jumping and throwing events. We have also enjoyed lots of cricket, including some professional coaching sessions.
Our Residential trip to PGL was a huge success with highlights including the abseiling, the climbing wall, raft building (children ‘accidentally’ fell off into the lake), toasting marshmallows on the campfire, the food. We were all a little homesick but had a fabulous time.
Quotes from children:
"The giant swing at PGL was amazing because it was 10 meters tall and the speed was exhilarating."
"I thought that the awesome abseiling was incredibly fun because the instructors kept reassuring us that everything was going to be OK."
"SATs breakfast was great because I got to eat with my friends and this was good preparation for PGL week."