Half Term Information Summer 1 2024

Iron Man by Ted Hughes and the topic of the Industrial revolution have really sparked the imaginations of our year three learners this half term. The children have created their own Steampunk Robots that look incredible and authored their own version of the Iron Man story. Along our learning journey, we have written letters appealing for help to stop the rampage of destruction across the land, newspaper reports praising the bravery of a young hero and practiced lots of figurative language devices. We have explored the characters conflicted emotions through a technique called ‘conscience alley’ and supported our own emotions through a series of assemblies about wellbeing and mental health.
In DT, after we researched, planned and investigated we made our Steampunk Robots through a process called Kitbashing. We first built a strong armature (basic skeleton) from cardboard and masking tape, before attaching our recycled materials and finally we painted them to look metallic. The children were really invested and worked so hard to complete their final pieces.
It has been wonderful being able to gain some first-hand experience OUT of school this half term too.
Our first trip to Wansford Station (part of the Nene Valley railway) was not only a fantastic learning experience, but provided a wonderful stimulus for recount writing. The children were able to experience travel of yester year, take in the surrounding countryside and get up close and personal with so many of the things we’ve learned about in class. Adults we met were very impressed with the children’s behaviour and complemented them on many occasions. 

Useful website links to continue learning at home: https://ukhosted37.renlearn.co.uk/2256142

Keep reading at home and quizzing from Monday –Friday https://nvr.org.uk/

Plan your own visit to the railway. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zdqdcqt https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zxwxvcw/articles/zntn6v4 https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/Industrial-Revolution/353290#:~:text=The%20Industrial%20Revolution%20was%20a,homes%20or%20in%20small%20workshops https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/money