Early Years Foundation Stage

What maths looks like in EYFS

Continuous provision

Maths is continuously in the Early Years learning environment for children to access during choosing time, including:

· A table dedicated to maths resources, which are changed regularly.

· Maths trolley with resources that children can access independently. This includes opportunities for children to make links to the previous week’s maths learning.

· Classroom displays including one with children’s birthdays.

Formal maths lessons

Daily maths lessons are adapted from the White Rose EYFS scheme to suit the current cohort of children. The children are very engaged with the content and it is resulting in overall good progress towards the Early Learning Goals. There is a big focus on subitising to 5, with the aim for children to secure their number bonds to 5 by the end of the EYFS.

Other maths opportunities


· Morning work, e.g. busy fingers (to develop fine motor skills) often has a maths theme.

· Calendar every day – months/seasons/day – using mathematical language like 1 more, 1 less, next, bigger, smaller, etc.

· Singing – counting, songs.

· Number blocks (BBC show) that links to the White Rose scheme. This may be watched as part of a maths lesson or at another appropriate part of the day.

· Maths option on the homework grid.

· Seesaw (online) activities that children can do in class or at home for over-learning as appropriate.