Half term information Summer 1 2024

We have had another action packed half term in year 4, with much of our learning based around the geography topic of India, which the children have really enjoyed. 
The text Elephant Dance has proved to be a real inspiration and helped to produce some fantastic writing in mini books using speech punctuation. We then explored some traditional Indian stories from Seasons of Splendour by Madhur Jaffrey before writing our own story in a traditional Indian style. We then went on to research aspects of Indian culture, history and geography for our non-chronological reports.
Our maths learning has again covered broad areas of the curriculum, including the four main operations, fractions, decimals,  money and time. We have also been practising our multiplication facts for the check after half term.
Electricity has been our science topic in which we have thought about keeping safe around electricity and we particularly enjoyed practically investigating and creating circuits. 
We had a tremendous Indian Wow Day where the children explored a variety of music from across India, created rangoli sand art in the playground, played traditional Indian games, had a henna tattoo, created mandala patterns and made a Coconut Ladoo. They all looked great in their costumes!

Useful website links to continue learning at home;


Maths homework:

Maths Flex

Keeping active:



India topic:



Children’s comments about their learning;


"We designed our henna  pattern and we got it made onto our hand," Preston
"We made coconut ladoos. I ate some coconut, it was amazing," Christian
"We put in ground coconut and a spice and milk and mixed it. We rolled it into a ball and it was sticky. We stuck the ground coconut onto the ball and ate it. It tasted sweet," Layla
"Two women gave a presentation about Indian music. I learnt that there are different pitches, they sound the same but they look different," Eri
"We were making Rangolis using a powder and some tubes to poor the power inside like stencils. They looked fantastic," Taarini
"We played a marble game where you had to flick one marble to get another marble with your marble. I won 3 marbles," Charlotte