Half Term Information Summer 1 2024

This term we have been learning about habitats and the local world around us.  We went on an exciting adventure to the nature reserve and spotted things that were living, non-living and once-living.  We also looked at evidence of habitats and micro-habitats in our very own playground and field.  It was fascinating to see the clues that showed us just how many different animals (especially minibeasts) use our local environment as their homes.

In other learning, we have been discovering more about maps and looking after our global environment. In Geography we studied maps of the local area and spotted amenities that help us, such as doctor’s, police station and local parks as well as, of course, Morrison’s! We then built upon our knowledge of maps from last half term by sketching a treasure island map and a map of our own imaginary classroom. We thought carefully about what would be important to include on each map and gave reasons for our choice. Following this, we used language of position and direction to verbally explain, and then write down, how to navigate our maps. We were also very excited to try directing Bee Bots around our classroom, by programming their movements! In Art we have been learning about architects by sketching and colouring buildings. To bring the unit together, we are currently planning our own 3D maps, which we shall construct before the end of term.

Children’s comments about their learning:

“Our classroom is a microhabitat!”

“It is so relaxing by the lake.”

Useful website links to continue learning at home:




https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/ (username: lj2478     password: home)
